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Liberty Magnet High School aims to provide its students with a variety of extracurricular activities to explore student interests and engage students with a broad range of subjects and experiences to better prepare themselves for the workforce or pursuit of further education. Students also gain the ability to propose, create, and run their own clubs, helping to teach leadership and communication skills.


Students will have the opportunity to share about what they are reading. Students will create marketing tools (book reviews, BookTok, slideshows, etc.). Students will go on field trips to public and university libraries. Students will participate in service events such as school-wide literacy nights. Winter Holiday book exchange party!
Sponsors: Ms. Short and Ms. Gyorgy


Students will have monthly meetings that train them in leadership skills. The meetings lead up to a service project to be executed in the spring semester.  Club members work through the Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy Curriculum in partnership with the Chick-Fil-A location on Burbank.  
Sponsors: Ms. Devitt


Dream Hour Club utilizes club time to jumpstart students to achieve dream goals. They will learn how to write a plan to achieve this goal , research necessary requirements to achieve this goal, and actively work on the dream ! We will also work collaboratively to achieve one group collaboration dream for the school!
Sponsors: Ms. P. Thanni


Sponsors: Major Malborough
Gamers play on someone else's field while Robotics create, build and design their own. Come be part of a winning team! We are currently developing robots for the VEX competition requirements.


Students must be interested and ready to participate in STEM related activities and or competition.  Students will have to design and develop solutions to problems provided in competition guidelines. 
Sponsors: Ms. Tapalla


Beta students focus on academic achievement, good character, leadership and service. Beta convention is an opportunity for students to showcase these attributes by competing in both academic and artistic competitions such as quiz bowls, tests, painting, acting, marketing and communication, etc. Students can work on these skills by making things for the school such as banners, ads, social media content, etc. They can volunteer for school events and can go beyond, if opportunities arise in the community.
Sponsors: Ms. LeJeune


Expose students to the game of chess and problem solving skills associated with playing the game. Looking to build the program to where we are both hosting and traveling to tournaments.
Sponsors: Mr. Woods


The purpose of this organization is to encourage students’ enthusiasm for computer science, to honor academic excellence, and to promote service. Society members and advisors commit to and embody three core values: equity, service, and excellence.
This is an invitation-only organization. 
Sponsors: Mr. Ullrich


Esports club members will create gaming teams and compete intramural and against other esports groups. Our club members will develop skills including leadership, communication, collaboration, strategic thinking, and dedication. Our club goals include increasing student involvement on campus, developing connections with collegiate esports groups, competing in and hosting tournaments, streaming and creating YouTube gaming content, building and upgrading computers, and hosting community and charity events.
Sponsors: Mr. Snee


The Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) program prepares high school students for leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities and privileges as American citizens.
Sponsors: Colonel Hughes & Staff


Key Club members around the world are learning how to lead and stand for what’s right through service and volunteerism. We aim provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render unselfish service and to build better communities. High school student members of Key Club perform acts of service in their communities, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. They also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels.
Sponsors: Ms. Mash


The Young Film Makers club's purpose is to display what it is like working in the film industry. If you re looking to create a fit of your own come join us!  Students will earn how to create films. Students will begin creating a series.
Sponsors: Mr. Musgrow


Thespian Society will coordinate Theatrical productions and/or events that support the Fine Arts Department. We explore acting, lighting, sound, costuming, staging, writing, directing, and makeup. Members will have the opportunity to step into the spotlight singing songs and performing choreographed scenes, while boosting self-confidence and encouraging team-building skills. We will occasionally have special small group workshops, competitions, and rehearsals 😊 Thespian Society will be partnered with the Arts Council of Baton Rouge. 
Sponsors: Ms. Gonzales


French Club explores different aspects of French and francophone culture. Students are able to learn leadership skills, plan events to encourage the appreciation of French and francophone culture. French Honor Society allows students to acquire leadership skills by serving as officers, helping plan the initiation ceremony, or leading other chapter events. Students can also participate in community service opportunities.
Sponsors: Ms. Davis-Hellmers


This is a club for music lovers who love to singing, songwriting, and simply enjoying different genres of music. The elected student officer committee will help plan potential student-led, schoolwide activities (Example: Schoolwide Talent Show, Lip-sync Battle, etc.) to help support the fine arts department at our school. There will be opportunities to expose the students to different kinds of music, as well.
Sponsors: Dr. Birdsong & Ms. Givens


Mu Alpha Theta is a National Math Honor Society for high school and two-year college students. Members will compete in local math tournaments and serve their community through various tutoring and community service opportunities. Mu Alpha Theta members will compete in local math tournaments. Members will earn service hours by serving their peers through tutoring opportunities and serving their community.
Sponsors: Ms. Borne & Ms. Le


Go GREEN with the science club! Students will engage in school wide initiatives and investigations that are aligned to our club theme for the year (environmental issues and conservation biology).
Sponsors: Ms. Murphy


Photography Club is for photography enthusiasts.  Students will work on personal projects in hopes of making amazing photos from anywhere through photo editing and organizing.


The mission of Girls Who Code is to teach participants about computer science in a fun and safe environment! The GWC Club serves as a place for students to spend time together while learning about computer science and building their confidence.  We also participate in out reach programs to elementary schools.
Sponsors: Ms. Ullrich


A student council is a group of student leaders who collaborate with others to impact their school community.  Student Council students plan campus events. They are able to learn leadership skills on campus as well as participate in leadership conventions and workshops.
Sponsor: Ms. Voisin


NHS is an internationally recognized association which elevates scholarship, service, leadership, and character for high school students. Membership in NHS looks great on a college resume and there are special scholarships available for members! Students will earn 30 service hours working in school and in the larger community. Past projects include, working at the food bank, community cleanup days, food drive, sock drive, peer-to-peer tutoring, and Candygrams. NHS provides an opportunity to build community and hone leadership skills.
Sponsors: Ms. Short


The Anime Club will be a free space for kids who share a common interest for anime. Students will participate in watching and speaking about anime and will give kids the chance to feely talk about anime. It also allows students to make new friends and allows students to incorporate art by drawing, animating, etc. different characters.
Sponsor: Ms. Le


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Liberty Magnet High School 
1105 Lee Dr
Baton Rouge, LA 70808


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The East Baton Rouge Parish School System and all of its entities (including Career and Technical Education Programs) do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, national origin, disability, or gender in its educational programs and activities (including employment and application for employment), and it is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of gender by Title IX (20 USC 168) and on the basis of disability by Section 504 (42 USC 794). The Title IX Coordinator is Andrew Davis, Director of Risk Management –, (225) 929-8705. The Section 504 Coordinator is Danielle Staten-Ojo –, (225) 326-5668.

© 2020-2021 Liberty Magnet High School

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